
Snip!t from collection of Alan Dix

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Mendeley is free social software for managing and sharin... It is also a Web 2.0 site for discovering research trend... to like-minded academics. To achieve our long-term visio... for research“, we’re working with the former foundin... Skype and L

Mendeley academic software and research network information


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Mendeley is free social software for managing and sharing research papers. It is also a Web 2.0 site for discovering research trends and connecting to like-minded academics. To achieve our long-term vision of a “Last.fm for research“, we’re working with the former founding engineers of Skype and Last.fm’s former chairman.


Mendeley is free <strong>social</strong> <strong>software</strong> for managing and sharing research papers. It is also a <strong>Web 2.0 site</strong> for discovering research trends and connecting to like-minded academics. To achieve our long-term vision of a &#x201c;<a href="http://www.mendeley.com/blog/2008/07/an-excellent-euroscience-adventure-part-ii/">Last.fm for research</a>&#x201c;, we&#x2019;re working with the former founding engineers of <a href="http://www.skype.com">Skype</a> and <a href="http://www.last.fm">Last.fm</a>&#x2019;s former chairman.