
Snip!t from collection of Alan Dix

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When the coalition announced that councils would have to... spending over £500 by January next year, there’s been... excitement in the open data and transparency community a...
Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government Er ...
Now, howeve

The open spending data that isn’t… this is not good « countculture


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When the coalition announced that councils would have to publish all spending over £500 by January next year, there’s been a palpable excitement in the open data and transparency community at the thought of what could be done with it (not least understanding and improving the balance of councils’ relationships with suppliers).

Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government Eric Pickles followed this up with a letter to councils saying, “I don’t expect everyone to do it right first time, but I do expect everyone to do it.” Great. Raw Data Now, in the words of Tim-Berners Lee.

Now, however, with barely the ink dry, the reality is looking not just a bit messy, a bit of a first attempt (which would be fine and understandable given the timescale), but Not Open At All.


<p>When the <a href="http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/statements-and-articles/2010/05/letter-to-government-departments-on-opening-up-data-51204">coalition announced that councils would have to publish all spending over &#xa3;500</a> by January next year, there&#x2019;s been a palpable excitement in the open data and transparency community at the thought of what could be done with it (not least understanding and improving the balance of councils&#x2019; relationships with suppliers).</p> <p>Secretary of State for Communities &amp; Local Government Eric Pickles followed this up with a letter to councils saying, &#x201c;I don&#x2019;t expect everyone to do it right first time, but I do expect everyone to do it.&#x201d; Great. <a href="http://blog.ted.com/2009/03/tim_berners_lee_web.php">Raw Data Now</a>, in the words of Tim-Berners Lee.</p> <p>Now, however, with barely the ink dry, the reality is looking not just a bit messy, a bit of a first attempt (which would be fine and understandable given the timescale), but <strong>Not Open At All</strong>.</p>