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Mayhem is a Windows-based application lets people set a ...
Receive an email reminder to winterize your house wh ...
Add an auto-save feature to a program that doesn’t ...
Pause a video automatically when you leave the room.

Mayhem: Microsoft’s open-source app for controlling just about anything - GeekWire



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Mayhem is a Windows-based application lets people set a series of inputs and outputs (or “events and reactions”) to complete custom tasks without knowing how to write code. Examples in the video above include the ability to use an Xbox button to control a PowerPoint presentation, or a phone to control a media player, or voice to turn on a light. Here are some of the other examples cited on the “Make Mayhem” project page …

  • Receive an email reminder to winterize your house when the temperature drops below freezing.
  • Add an auto-save feature to a program that doesn’t have it.
  • Pause a video automatically when you leave the room.
  • Automatically update your Facebook status to “I’m rich!” whenever Microsoft stock hits $50 a share.


<p><a href="http://mayhem.codeplex.com/" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','outbound-article','http://mayhem.codeplex.com/']);">Mayhem</a>&nbsp;is a Windows-based application lets people set a series of inputs and outputs (or &#x201c;events and reactions&#x201d;) to complete custom tasks without knowing how to write code. Examples in the video above include the ability to use an Xbox button to control a PowerPoint presentation, or a phone to control a media player, or voice to turn on a light. Here are some of the other examples cited on the&nbsp;<a href="http://makemayhem.com/" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','outbound-article','http://makemayhem.com/']);">&#x201c;Make Mayhem&#x201d; project page</a>&nbsp;&#x2026;</p> <ul> <li>Receive an email reminder to winterize your house when the temperature drops below freezing.</li> <li>Add an auto-save feature to a program that doesn&#x2019;t have it.</li> <li>Pause a video automatically when you leave the room.</li> <li>Automatically update your Facebook status to &#x201c;I&#x2019;m rich!&#x201d; whenever Microsoft stock hits $50 a share.</li></ul>