
Snip!t channels - Alan Dix

Channels > digial media

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2016-07-21 15:12:56    


When using technology, we often focus optimistically on all the things it does for us. But I want to show you where it might do the opposite.

Where does technology exploit our minds’ weaknesses?

I learned to think this way when I was a ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time
/Channels/digial media

2015-03-23 11:11:04     'Overnight, everything I loved was gone': the internet shaming of Lindsey Stone | Technology | The Guardian


When a friend posted a photograph of charity worker Lind... Facebook, she never dreamed she would lose her job and h... years on, could she get her life back?

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/Channels/digial media

2016-08-17 12:16:15     An Illustrated Guide to Guy Debord’s ‘The Society of the Spectacle’


Guy Debord’s (1931–1994) best-known work, La sociét... (The Society of the Spectacle) (1967), is a polemical and prescient indictment of our image-saturated consumer cu... examines the “Spectacle,” Debord’s term for the e... manifestatio

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/Channels/cognition and art/postmodern
/Channels/digial media

2024-12-29 08:21:41     Are young people’s attention spans really shrinking? It’s more complex than you might think | Marion Thain | The Guardian


Is it possible there are modes of attention that a younger generation is developing that might be difficult for those of us who are older to value, but which bring new types of benefit? What of the rapid, quick-fire, written exchanges of in...

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/Channels/digial media

2016-12-27 09:25:00     BBC - Future - The man who studies the spread of ignorance


Proctor had found that the cigarette industry did not wa... know the harms of its product, and it spent billions obs... the health effects of smoking. This search led him to cr...
Agnotology is the study of wilful acts to spread confusi ...
It comes fr

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/economy and politics
/Channels/research methods

2017-06-15 21:17:17     Did Media Literacy Backfire? – Data & Society: Points


Anxious about the widespread consumption and spread of p... news during this year’s election cycle, many progressi... an increased commitment to media literacy programs. Othe... for solutions that focus on expert fact-checking and lab... these appro

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/Channels/digial media

2015-04-07 14:39:48     Facebook use linked to depressive symptoms -- ScienceDaily


The social media site, Facebook, can be an effective too...
Related Articles
Infectious mononucleosis
Double blind
... lished in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/techie/social networking

2016-12-06 14:27:48     Fake News Or Real? How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts : All Tech Considered : NPR


These tips are just a start at determining what type of ... Zimdars outlined these and others in a guide for her stu...
If you do these steps, you're helping yourself and you'r ...
And you won't be the only one trying to stop the spread ...

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/research methods

2024-02-10 07:41:22     Fighting the smartphone ‘invasion’: the French village that voted to ban scrolling in public | France | The Guardian


Seine-Port, in the Seine-et-Marne area south of Paris, with a population of fewer than 2,000 people, last weekend voted yes in a referendum to restrict smartphone use in public,

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/Channels/cognition and art/social and cultural
/Channels/digial media
/Channels/digital economy

2013-03-10 14:21:38     Google Glass: is it a threat to our privacy? | Technology | The Guardian


The tech giant's 'wearable computing' project is now bei... volunteers, meaning you might already have been surrepti... uploaded on to Google's servers. How worried should you be?

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/HCI stuff/internet of things

2015-07-30 18:03:29     How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life - The New York Times


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/Channels/digial media

2016-10-20 09:11:33     How the Web Became Unreadable


For example: Apple’s typography guidelines suggest tha... for a 7:1 contrast ratio. But what ratio, you might ask,... to state the guideline? It’s 5.5:1.
Apple’s guidelines for developers.

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/HCI stuff/accessibility

2022-07-04 07:02:29     Is your smartphone ruining your memory? A special report on the rise of ‘digital amnesia’ | Memory | The Guardian


‘I can’t remember anything’ is a common complaint ... it because we rely so heavily on our smartphones? And do... and distractions stop us forming new memories?

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff
/Channels/cognition and art/memories-for-life
/Channels/digial media

2012-12-04 12:57:09     Real-Time Rendering · Graphics Codex version 1.7 Released


This is a guest post from Morgan McGuire. His Graphics C... great thing for anyone who wants just about all graphics... algorithms at their fingertips. It's not a perfect venue... this is an extremely interesting alternative to books, s... constantly

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/Channels/digial media

2013-04-10 08:26:39     RTÉ to employ semantic web and big data to preserve Ireland’s memories - Ireland's cloud news service - Siliconrepublic.com


Ireland’s State broadcaster RTÉ, as part of its strat... memories of a nation in digital form, is to collaborate ... recently announced mega CSET the Insight Centre to emplo... semantic web to make hundreds of thousands of hours of a... content ava

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/techie/open data

2015-01-22 18:20:39     Smartphones Don’t Make Us Dumb - NYTimes.com


Research shows that our intuition is wrong. We can focus... that we can’t may not be a phantom. Paying attention r... ability but desire. Technology may snuff out our desire ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time
/Channels/digial media
/Channels/HCI stuff/mobiles

2012-11-15 08:06:41     Sometimes mob rule works | Article | The Punch


Can we just stop for a second and appreciate that in gro... people want to be good, and moral and right? For a shini... moment, the internet was at its moral best.

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/techie/social networking

2022-03-23 20:11:08     StoryKit: An Object-Based Media Toolkit - BBC R&D


We've taken object-based media to the next level by supp... creators with tools and workflows that enable real-world... responsive object-based experiences

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/HCI stuff

2016-12-09 17:34:47     The #Election2016 Micro-Propaganda Machine – Medium


After finding evidence that much of the “fake” and h... traffic during 🇺🇸#Election2016 was arriving throug... hyperlinks, search engines, and “old school” sharing... email newsletters, RSS, and instant messaging, I thought... “big data

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/Channels/cognition and art/political
/Channels/digial media

2013-01-21 09:35:19     What is the difference between The Hobbit and the news? Not as much as there should be | Charlie Brooker


And oddly, this coincides with reports that an audience ... reacted badly to test footage from Peter Jackson's forth... movie. The Hobbit is shot at 48 frames per second – tw... as standard films. The studio claims this gives it an un... fluidity. T

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/Channels/digial media

2015-03-23 10:31:28     Why the modern world is bad for your brain | Science | The Guardian


In an era of email, text messages, Facebook and Twitter,... required to do several things at once. But this constant... taking its toll. Here neuroscientist Daniel J Levitin ex... addiction to technology is making us less efficient

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time
/Channels/digial media

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