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Many lan­guages have an under­ly­ing vir­tual machin... more port­able and con­veni­ent sub­strate for com­... inter­pret­a­tion. For lan­guage research it’s use... to gen­er­ate cus­tom VMs and other lan­guage tools ...
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Languages for extensible virtual machines - simondobson.org



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Many lan­guages have an under­ly­ing vir­tual machine (VM) to provide a more port­able and con­veni­ent sub­strate for com­pil­a­tion or inter­pret­a­tion. For lan­guage research it’s use­ful to be able to gen­er­ate cus­tom VMs and other lan­guage tools for dif­fer­ent lan­guages. Which raises the ques­tion: what’s the appro­pri­ate lan­guage for writ­ing exper­i­mental languages?

What I have in mind is slightly more than just VMs, and more a plat­form for exper­i­ment­ing with lan­guage design for novel envir­on­ments such as sensor-driven sys­tems. As well as a runtime, this requires the abil­ity to parse, to rep­res­ent and eval­u­ate type and semantic rules, and to provide a gen­eral frame­work for com­pu­ta­tion that can then be exposed into a tar­get lan­guage as con­structs, types and so forth. What’s the right lan­guage in which to do all this?


<p>Many lan&#xad;guages have an under&#xad;ly&#xad;ing vir&#xad;tual machine (<span class="caps">VM</span>) to provide a&nbsp;more port&#xad;able and con&#xad;veni&#xad;ent sub&#xad;strate for com&#xad;pil&#xad;a&#xad;tion or inter&#xad;pret&#xad;a&#xad;tion. For lan&#xad;guage research it&#x2019;s use&#xad;ful to be able to gen&#xad;er&#xad;ate cus&#xad;tom VMs and other lan&#xad;guage tools for dif&#xad;fer&#xad;ent lan&#xad;guages. Which raises the ques&#xad;tion: what&#x2019;s the appro&#xad;pri&#xad;ate lan&#xad;guage for writ&#xad;ing exper&#xad;i&#xad;mental languages?</p> <p><span id="more-448"></span></p> <p>What I&nbsp;have in mind is slightly more than just VMs, and more a&nbsp;plat&#xad;form for exper&#xad;i&#xad;ment&#xad;ing with lan&#xad;guage design for novel envir&#xad;on&#xad;ments such as sensor-driven sys&#xad;tems. As well as a&nbsp;runtime, this requires the abil&#xad;ity to parse, to rep&#xad;res&#xad;ent and eval&#xad;u&#xad;ate type and semantic rules, and to provide a&nbsp;gen&#xad;eral frame&#xad;work for com&#xad;pu&#xad;ta&#xad;tion that can then be exposed into a&nbsp;tar&#xad;get lan&#xad;guage as con&#xad;structs, types and so forth. What&#x2019;s the right lan&#xad;guage in which to do all&nbsp;this?</p>