
Snip!t from collection of Alan Dix

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Some business establishments give customers the option o... RFID-based tab to pay for service, such as the Baja Beac... Barcelona.[114] This has provoked concerns into privacy ... they can potentially be tracked wherever they go by an i... to them.

Radio-frequency identification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Some business establishments give customers the option of using an RFID-based tab to pay for service, such as the Baja Beach nightclub in Barcelona.[114] This has provoked concerns into privacy of individuals as they can potentially be tracked wherever they go by an identifier unique to them.


Some business establishments give customers the option of using an RFID-based tab to pay for service, such as the <i>Baja Beach</i> nightclub in <a href="/wiki/Barcelona" title="Barcelona">Barcelona</a>.<sup id="cite_ref-113" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-113"><span>[</span>114<span>]</span></a></sup> This has provoked concerns into privacy of individuals as they can potentially be tracked wherever they go by an identifier unique to them.