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Heart Robot: red hot date at the Science Museum
Times Journalist, Will Pabia interacts with a robot at t ...
(Bruno Vincent)
Not the date Will Pavia was expecting
... ; “I’m like a machine in the bedroom”, and so on.

Heart Robot: red hot date at the Science Museum - Times Online


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Heart Robot: red hot date at the Science Museum

Hurrying towards my assignation with a robot that could understand human emotions, I was quite excited. My ex-girlfriends say that I am incapable of understanding human emotion and it was hard not to think of the incredible impact this meeting might have on my personal life.

Equally, it was hard not to see the earth-shattering importance of my date with Heart Robot in the broader context of mankind’s developing relationship with machines. I had put on a clean suit and my lucky tie. I had purchased a red rose. I had prepared an arsenal of robot chat-up lines: “I think our systems are compatible”; “I’m like a machine in the bedroom”, and so on.


<div id="region-column1and2-layout2"><h1 class="heading">Heart Robot: red hot date at the Science Museum</h1><h2 class="sub-heading padding-top-5 padding-bottom-15"></h2><!-- END: Module - Main Heading --> </div><div id="region-column1-layout2"><!--CMA user Call Diffrenet Variation Of Image --><!-- BEGIN: Module - M24 Article Headline with portrait image (b) --><script type="text/javascript" src="/tol/js/m24-image-browser.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/tol/js/tol.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"><!-- /* Global variables that are used for "image browsing". Used on article pages to rotate the images of a story. */ var sImageBrowserImagePath = ''; var aArticleImages = new Array(); var aImageDescriptions = new Array(); var aImageEnlargeLink = new Array(); var aImageEnlargePopupWidth = '500'; var aImageEnlargePopupHeight = '500'; var aImagePhotographer = new Array(); var nSelectedArticleImage = 0; var i=0; var aImageAltText= new Array(); //--></script><script type="text/javascript"><!-- aArticleImages[i] = '/multimedia/archive/00376/Robot1360_376039a.jpg'; //--></script><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- aImageDescriptions[i] = 'Not the date Will Pavia was expecting'; //--></script><script type="text/javascript"><!-- aImagePhotographer[i] = 'Bruno Vincent'; //--></script><!--Don't Display undifined test for credit --><script type="text/javascript"><!-- aImageAltText[i] = 'Times Journalist, Will Pabia interacts with a robot at the Science Museum'; //--></script><script type="text/javascript"><!-- aImageEnlargeLink[i] = '/multimedia/archive/00376/Robot1360_376039a.jpg'; i=i+1; //--></script><div><div class="article-author"><!-- BEGIN: Portrait image --><div class="float-right padding-left-9 bg-fff"><div class="article-portrait-image"><div id="dynamic-image-holder"><img title="Times Journalist, Will Pabia interacts with a robot at the Science Museum" src="/multimedia/archive/00376/Robot1360_376039a.jpg" alt="Times Journalist, Will Pabia interacts with a robot at the Science Museum" border="0" width="185"></div><!-- Remove following <div> to not show photographer information --><div class="article-portrait-image-text-container"><div class="padding-left-right-10 padding-bottom-7"> <div id="dynamic-image-photographer" class="padding-top-5"><p class="x-small color-999">(Bruno Vincent)</p></div></div></div><!-- Remove following <div> to not show image description --><div class="article-portrait-image-text-container"><div class="padding-left-right-10 padding-bottom-7"><div id="dynamic-image-description" class="padding-top-5"><p class="small color-666">Not the date Will Pavia was expecting</p></div></div></div><!-- Tip: This <div> here with the id "dynamic-image-navigation" is used so that the innerHTML can be written to by the JS call below. --><div id="pagination-container" class="pagination-container"><script type="text/javascript"><!-- fCreateImageBrowser(nSelectedArticleImage,'portrait',"/tol/"); //--></script></div></div><div class="clear-simple padding-bottom-10"></div></div><!-- END: Portrait image --><!-- Print Author name from By Line associated with the article --><span class="byline"> Will Pavia </span></div></div><!-- END: Module - Module - M24 Article Headline with portrait image (b) --><!-- Article Copy module --><!-- BEGIN: Module - Main Article --> <!-- Check the Article Type and display accordingly--><!-- Print Author image associated with the Author--><!-- Print the body of the article--><div id="related-article-links"><!-- Pagination --><!--Display article with page breaks --><p> Hurrying towards my assignation with a robot that could understand human emotions, I was quite excited. My ex-girlfriends say that I am incapable of understanding human emotion and it was hard not to think of the incredible impact this meeting might have on my personal life. </p><p> Equally, it was hard not to see the earth-shattering importance of my date with Heart Robot in the broader context of mankind&#x2019;s developing relationship with machines. I had put on a clean suit and my lucky tie. I had purchased a red rose. I had prepared an arsenal of robot chat-up lines: &#x201c;I think our systems are compatible&#x201d;; &#x201c;I&#x2019;m like a machine in the bedroom&#x201d;, and so on.</p></div></div>