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Channels > antique clocks

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2008-04-18 12:17:02     Brian Loomes, writer of books and articles on antique clocks, collecting, identification, clockmakers, clock care


We have 12 pages of clocks for sale on the web site, a l... sold clocks, and over 75 articles by Brian Loomes on clo... clockmakers and clock care and identification. For more ... please click the links on the right.

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/Channels/antique clocks

2006-06-07 17:42:25     Antique Clocks: Brian & Joy Loomes: dealer in British longcase, bracket, lantern clocks in Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK; clock care and collecting articles


BRIAN and JOY LOOMES have been specialist dealers for al... English antique clocks of several kinds, principally ant... longcase clocks, antique English lantern clocks and anti... clocks. They also stock periodically antique Welsh longc... antique Sco

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/Channels/antique clocks