
Snip!t channels - Alan Dix

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2024-02-10 13:31:40     Sketch of The Analytical Engine


the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves.

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/Channels/cognition and art/creativity

2011-08-28 20:56:31     Sketchpad - YouTube


Uploaded by wasbuxton on Aug 24, 2011
... http://billbuxton.com/LincolnLab.pdf

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/Channels/HCI stuff/early HCI

2011-07-26 14:39:12     Skinput: Appropriating the Skin as an Interactive Canvas | August 2011 | Communications of the ACM


Skinput is a technology that appropriates the skin as an... analyzing mechanical vibrations that propagate through t... Specifically, we resolve the location of finger taps on ... using a novel sensor array worn as an armband.

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2007-05-31 09:26:19     skypoet's world: On-demand JavaScript :: IE6/7 and Firefox 2.x


On-demand JavaScript :: IE6/7 and Firefox 2.x
Last year, there was a lot of talk about on-demand JavaS ...

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2006-08-18 12:29:57     Sleep Research Centre


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/Channels/cognition and art/dreaming

2006-08-27 10:48:53     Sleep Research Centre: Recent Article


The Daily Telegraph, Thursday 28th January 1999
The Stuff that Dreams are made of...
Jim Horne
Even though the sleeper has little knowledge of what is ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/dreaming

2006-08-28 12:19:55     SLEEP, DREAMS AND WAKEFULNESS


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/Channels/cognition and art/dreaming

2011-11-16 12:49:33     Slide to Unlock: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere – get addicted to ... DAILY MIX OF CREATIVE CULTURE


Slide to Unlock: Wearable Multitouch Interaction Everywhere
Slide to Unlock.
Chris Harrison completed this mesemerizing work while he ...

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2009-07-14 15:35:28     Slider (WebFX)


Sliders are useful controls for choosing a value in a ra... Common uses are volume controls, seekers for movie and s... as color pickers. A few people have asked for an update ... component to make it work in Mozilla and work better in ... original co

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/Channels/techie/web development

2009-06-22 14:27:35     slowLab > projects >slowMail


Carolyn Strauss and Julian Bleecker's slowMail is an ema... deliberately slows down the pace of electronic correspon... experiences of reflection and mindful interaction that a...
Contrary to traditional email, which is expected to be d ...
slowMail wa

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time

2009-01-08 08:37:27     Small, standards compliant, Javascript WYSIWYG HTML control : Paul James


Small, standards compliant, Javascript WYSIWYG HTML control
The name says it all. This Javascript file can be added ...
Key features
... a class name to turn a textarea into a WYSIWYG control.

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2009-03-29 16:55:48     SmartMarkUP Universal markup editor and platform!


SmartMarkUP is a lightweight and powerful JavaScript lib... you to turn any textarea into a fancy markup editor. HTM... syntax, BBCode or any other desired markup language can ... and/or adjusted to your preferences and business needs. ... doesn't dep

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/Channels/techie/web development

2010-11-27 14:49:52     Smartphone app monitors your every move - tech - 26 November 2010 - New Scientist


Jigsaw figures out what you are doing by monitoring your... microphone, GPS and accelerometer for patterns character... activities - and it could be set to send the results to ... sites.
More importantly, Jigsaw can log how active you are each ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff/intelligent interfaces
/Channels/HCI stuff/mobiles

2015-01-22 18:20:39     Smartphones Don’t Make Us Dumb - NYTimes.com


Research shows that our intuition is wrong. We can focus... that we can’t may not be a phantom. Paying attention r... ability but desire. Technology may snuff out our desire ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time
/Channels/digial media
/Channels/HCI stuff/mobiles

2013-12-23 10:40:07     Smarty Ring


Forget tapping a screen, get instant alerts right on you ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff/internet of things

2011-12-04 23:52:54     smiley slider


smiley slider
11/7/11 RSS
John Horton commissioned this thing on oDesk.. I need to ...

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/Channels/techie/web development

2009-11-25 18:25:46     Smoke Signals by Minimaforms : Offload Festival, Bristol UK


Smoke Signals is based on one of the oldest forms of com... recorded history dating back over 5,000 years. The proje... hybrid system that explores the dynamic and spatial capa... and light in relation to contemporary mobile SMS technol...

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/Channels/cognition and art/digital light

2012-02-21 19:57:12     Snapshots - websnapr - Website Thumbnails For Your Website


websnapr lets you capture screenshots of (almost) any we... visitors to instantly visualize any web page before clic... traffic, click-through rate and site stickiness.

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/Channels/techie/web development

2009-02-23 07:35:43     Social Performance - Cambridge University Press


Social Performance
* Description
* Table of contents
* Excerpt
... DOI: 10.2277/052167462X

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/Channels/cognition and art/social and cultural

2008-09-30 14:00:48     Social Research Methods


This website is for people involved in applied social re...
Some highlights of what is available:
Knowledge Base The Knowledge Base
An online hypertext textbook on applied social research ...
... g the use of the method, and information about software.

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/Channels/research methods

2012-08-06 11:53:48     SocialLearn | Learning Through Social Connection


SocialLearn is an experimental online learning space on ... The latest evolution in virtual learning, SocialLearn co... networking, Open University and wider web resources and ...
Developed in response to feedback about the need for inf ...
The platfor

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/Channels/education/open learning

2010-04-02 10:33:36     SolarBeat


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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time

2016-12-06 14:33:06     Solid


Solid is an exciting new project led by Prof. Tim Berner... the World Wide Web, taking place at MIT and the Qatar Co... Institute. The project aims to radically change the way ... work today, resulting in true data ownership as well as ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff/privacy and data control
/Channels/techie/open data

2012-04-28 15:31:16     Solidoodle 2 – the sub-$500 3D printer


For about a year, former aerospace engineer Sam Cervante...
An object created using the Solidoodle 2
An object created using the Solidoodle 2
Objects created using the Solidoodle 2
... onally features an outer cover and a front acrylic door.

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/Channels/DIY technology

2015-11-08 20:42:32     Solu - A new breed of computing by Solu Machines — Kickstarter


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/Channels/HCI stuff/PIM

2010-10-18 15:31:52     Solving Africa's hunger - Features - Al Jazeera English


Africa is hungry - 240 million people are undernourished... first-time, small African farmers have been properly con... solve the problem of feeding sub-Saharan Africa. Their a... directly repudiate a massive international effort to lau...
Instead of

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2012-01-12 11:40:07     Some Datasets Available on the Web » Data Wrangling Blog


Over the past year, I've been tagging interesting data I... del.icio.us. I wrote a quick python script to pull the r... my del.icio.us export and list them at the bottom of thi... these datasets are related to machine learning, but ther...
This list i

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/Channels/techie/open data

2015-08-18 21:54:49     Someone Made A Map Of Every Rude Place Name In The UK


The UK is full of rude place names. The North-West has a... a Pincock, while Yorkshire is arguably worse, boasting a...

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/Channels/maps and geography

2012-11-15 08:06:41     Sometimes mob rule works | Article | The Punch


Can we just stop for a second and appreciate that in gro... people want to be good, and moral and right? For a shini... moment, the internet was at its moral best.

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/techie/social networking

2011-10-30 19:09:40     Sorry, Dropbox, I still don't trust you | ZDNet


Last summer, I deleted my Dropbox account after the comp... horrifying security breach. This week, I reluctantly ope... account. Within minutes, I received a message from Dropb... their back-end processes are still problematic. Here’s... concerned.

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/Channels/digital economy

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