
Snip!t channels - Alan Dix

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2005-01-11 11:01:00     High Energy Magic Ltd.


These applications are not science fiction. The High Ene... Platform makes this kind of interaction possible today u... popular camera phones.
Intel Research and the University of Cambridge Computer ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2010-02-03 22:42:28     High speed internet in the pipeline for rural villages » The Journal


Scotland's most remote communities could soon gain acces... broadband, according to researchers working on an intern... program.
The Tegola Project, run jointly by the University of Edi ...
Professor Peter Buneman of the School of Informatics at ...

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/Channels/digital economy

2012-07-17 17:54:14     Higher Education's Monopoly on Credibility Is Ending | Business | TIME.com


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/Channels/education/open learning

2009-12-28 08:13:43     Hills Criteria of Causation


Hills Criteria of Causation outlines the minimal conditi... establish a causal relationship between two items. Thes... originally presented by Austin Bradford Hill (1897-1991)... medical statistician as a way of determining the causal ... specific fa

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/Channels/research methods

2014-06-12 12:34:11     Hip Gadgets For The Developing World Won't Solve Global Poverty: Stop Making Them | Co.Exist | ideas + impact


Many entrepreneurs (incorrectly) think the biggest chall... making the product. They are so pleased they have invent... more efficient or lower cost or fancier than the other w... market. Since there are 1 bazillion people whose life wo...
Wrong! Actu

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2016-04-04 17:13:48     History of Bar Charts and Graphs


Today bar charts and graphs are used everywhere and ther... and variations, but where invented them and where did th...

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2006-04-14 19:46:04     Hivelogic: Articles: Building Ruby, Rails, LightTPD, and MySQL on Tiger


What follows are instructions for manually building and ...
* Ruby on Rails 1.1
* Ruby 1.8.4
* LightTPD 1.4.11
... * FastCGI and MySQL bindings

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2013-10-28 08:56:34     Holiday at Dolbelydr, Trefnant, Denbighshire


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2011-05-04 17:46:15     Home - GitHub


Blueprints is a collection of interfaces, implementation... and test suites for the property graph data model. Bluep... to the JDBC, but for graph databases. As such, it provid... interfaces to allow developers to plug-and-play their gr... backend. Mo

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/Channels/techie/semantic web

2010-03-09 12:36:03     Home - MongoDB - 10gen Confluence


MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performan...
* Document-oriented storage (the simplicity and powe ...
* Dynamic queries
* Full index support, extending to inner-objects and ...
... (which provide structured schemas and powerful

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2014-07-17 11:22:02     Home - TimeMapper - Make Timelines and TimeMaps fast! - from the Open Knowledge Foundation Labs


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2010-04-27 20:10:53     Home | EventSource | Ericsson Labs


The EventSource enabler allows you to use the upcoming E...
The Event Source API allows you to generate JavaScript e ...
To use the EventSource enabler, simply include the enabl ...
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://eventsource.l ...
You're read

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/Channels/techie/web development

2007-05-26 10:32:58     Home | OpenNet Initiative


Internet censorship and surveillance are growing global
phenomena. ONI’s mission is to identify and document
Internet filtering and surveillance, and to promote and
inform wider public dialogue about such practices.

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/Channels/cognition and art/political

2017-01-29 19:50:37     Hotel ransomed by hackers as guests locked in rooms - The Local


One of Europe's top hotels has admitted they had to pay ... Bitcoin ransom to cybercriminals who managed to hack the... system, locking hundreds of guests in or out of their ro... was paid.

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/Channels/HCI stuff/internet of things

2022-10-20 14:42:43     How a magician-mathematician revealed a casino loophole - BBC Future


To study riffle shuffles rigorously, Diaconis used a pow... tool called a Markov chain.

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2010-07-02 17:20:10     How Best Buy is Using The Semantic Web


The process of adding RDFa to Best Buy's webpages began ... the company began to look for ways to get more visibilit...
To solve this dilemma, Best Buy gave each store its own ...
Best Buy employees entered information into the blogs ev ...
Best Buy is

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/Channels/digital economy

2016-04-10 14:26:03     How Big Data Harms Poor Communities - The Atlantic


Outside the court system, “innocent until proven guilt... people’s due-process rights, Kerr says: “A right to ... to participate in one’s hearing, a right to know what ... collected about me, and a right to challenge that inform... opaque data

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/Channels/HCI stuff/privacy and data control

2011-07-26 13:57:17     How BrowserID Works


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/Channels/techie/web development

2015-12-08 09:38:48     How can we store more energy from the sun and the wind? - BBC News


Nick Heyward, who manages the UK Power Networks project,... electricity grids need to balance supply and demand at a...
"One solution could be to add capacity to the existing g ...
Storage systems like SNS offer the ability to export ene ...
Mr Heyward

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2011-12-02 10:40:52     How content delivery networks (CDNs) work | NCZOnline


Content delivery networks (CDNs) are an important part o... infrastructure that are frequently used without a full u... what’s happening behind the scenes. You’ll hear peop... we put that on the CDN” or “make sure static assets ... when they h

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/Channels/techie/web development

2012-03-27 08:40:11     How cutting edge geolocation can change everything | Geek Gestalt - CNET News


Start off by explaining Geoloqi?
Amber Case: Geoloqi is a location based platform. We hav ...
We offer storage of raw location data, that allows it to ...
Explain what geofencing is?
Case: Say you have a house and you draw a virtual geofen ...

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2011-04-29 07:44:45     How Dmoz.org can help your Google Ranking | Beatrice Whelan Website Developer Extraordinaire Blog


DMOZ.org, also known as The Open Directory Project is ‮..
Don’t be put off by the archaic style of DMOZ.org, it ...
Google Snippets
Snippets are the two lines of text that appear below you ...
... ich your website is classified and then submit your

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2012-01-04 18:09:07     How Do You Make A Robot That People Will Talk To? Make It As Cute As Wall-E | Co.Design


Boxie, a robot created at MIT Media Lab, relies on adora... artificial intelligence to meet its goals.
Cuteness is one of the most powerful forces on earth. It ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff/emotion and fun
/Channels/HCI stuff/intelligent interfaces

2011-10-18 17:03:56     How Google's Self-Driving Car Works - IEEE Spectrum


google self-driving robotic car
Once a secret project, Google's autonomous vehicles are ...
Google's fleet of robotic Toyota Priuses has now logged ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff/intelligent interfaces

2014-04-22 07:47:22     How Humans Evolved to Cope with City Crowds


For over a hundred thousand years, humans evolved in sma... a few dozen people. But then, about ten thousand years a... living in cities that were far bigger than any tribe or ... to change to cope with the population overload.

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2014-07-02 16:05:20     How J.K. Rowling Plotted Harry Potter with a Hand-Drawn Spreadsheet | Open Culture


How J.K. Rowling Plotted Harry Potter with a Hand-Drawn ...
in Books, Writing | July 1st, 2014 Leave a Comment
At the height of the Harry Potter novels’ popularity, ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/creativity

2013-03-24 14:03:40     How Kickstarter will kill Open Source | London Python developer/AWS devop engineer


The question of what happens to the surplus is really ir... is one specific project. The idea is interesting. If thi... different software projects, I think we might find more ... the part of developers to implement certain large pieces...

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/Channels/digital economy
/Channels/techie/open source

2022-01-09 14:01:40     How medical tests have built-in discrimination against Black people | New Scientist


THE assumption that Black people have a lower level of c... than white people was, until recently, built into a form... National Football League to settle head injury lawsuits.

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2014-02-22 07:53:00     How much is time wrong around the world? | The poor man's math blog


A few years ago I went to Spain for the first time, and ... surprised by how late is dinner. The first night I dined...
Solar time vs. standard time
Solar time vs. standard time
At the time I’m writing, near the winter solstice, Mad ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time

2009-07-01 11:42:53     How not to use Twitter: HabitatUK as a case study


Habitat is a trendy furniture store, set up by Terence C... for those who’ve never been to the UK its like a sligh... version of Ikea. @HabitatUK turned up on Twitter a coupl... decided to use trending topic #hashtags at the start of ... noticed. Th

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/Channels/techie/social networking

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